Team Terminal
DCC BV is proud to have been awarded the responsibility for the coating and maintenance strategy for the TEAM Terminal, a large storage facility for crude oil in the Rotterdam area. The total painted surface area involved is estimated to be 250.000 m2. The objective of the coating strategy is to be able to cover a period of 20 years without significant corrosion and at the same time maintain high level of esthetical appearance of all external coating.

DCC BV performs warranty inspections, condition surveys and QC inspections. The condition surveys result in the preparation of scopes were DCC BV has also specified the terms and conditions for the execution of the work. Previously performed coating works are inspected on a yearly basis by so called warranty inspections. After the warranty has expired a condition survey is performed every three years to maintain full view of the coating system integrity. Possible corrosion is noted and reported to allow a timely and proper repair.